Wellness & Spa

Relax – slow down – regenerate

Make the most of our extensive wellness area to enjoy your bespoke time-out. The variety-packed sauna and bathing areas have just the space for everyone to relax and unwind. Get your circulation up to speed in the high temperatures, relax your muscles with an aqua massage or reserve a pampering programme in the Beauty farm. In short: pure wellness pleasure!

Romantic pool La Viva

Romantic pool La Viva

With its wonderfully sounding name 'La Viva', our relaxing outdoor pool provides warmth and well-being, regeneration and relaxation, water and wellness with a hint of romance.

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Sauna world

Sauna world

Forget the world all around you in the pleasing warmth. The sauna helps you feel great and enhances your health.

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Panorama sauna garden

Panorama sauna garden

Nestling in an idyllic natural ambience, the panorama sauna garden provides everything your heart craves in terms of wellness & spa.

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Beauty farm

Beauty farm

Beauty farm

Leave the hectic pace of the daily grind behind you and choose a pampering programme from our Beauty farm.

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Bathing area for all the family

Bathing area for all the family

Bathing area for all the family

Immerse yourself in our wellness oasis and feel the ease of being.

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